Pre-Arrival Procedure Checklist


  • Confirmation

    You will receive a call from our patient experience team prior to your procedure date to assist you with any questions or concerns.

  • Medications

    Do not take any medication after midnight before your procedure, unless specifically ordered by your doctor. Pain and blood pressure medications with a small sip of water are acceptable. Do not take any NSAIDS (BC Powder, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Naproxen).

  • Food

    Do not eat or drink anything (including water, candy, chewing gum or mints) 8 hours before your surgery.

  • Hygiene

    Please shower or take a bath with antibacterial soap prior to your surgery.

  • Smoking

    Do not smoke the day of your surgery.

  • Jewelry

    Remove any jewelry, piercings and contact lenses prior to your surgery.

  • Cold Symptoms

    Notify the Surgery Center if you may have a cold, fever,or infection.

  • No-show fee

    If you must cancel your procedure, you must give us at least 72 hours’ notice or you will be charged a $100 fee.

Failure to follow these instructions may result in cancellation of your procedure.


  • Your glasses, including the case.

  • A list of medications you are currently taking, including frequency and dosage.

  • The names and phone numbers of two emergency contacts.

  • Your ID, insurance card, and form of payment if necessary.

  • A responsible adult must be available to receive instructions about your care and to drive you home from the Surgery Center.

    Post-Operative instructions will be given to you at the Surgery Center.

  • If you have a copy of your MRI or X-ray CD, please bring it with you.

For non-English speaking patients

Please arrange for an interpreter to accompany the patient and remain until discharge. If an interpreter is unavailable, the facility will provide interpretation
service if arranged in advance.


What time is my procedure?

We will call you within one business day of your appointment to confirm your procedure time. Please plan to arrive one hour before the scheduled time. It is very important to arrive on time.

What should I avoid the night before surgery?

Don’t drink or eat anything, including gum, mints or candy, after midnight. Don’t smoke after midnight.

What should I bring on procedure day?

Bring a copy of your consent form, all insurance cards, and a government-issued ID like a driver’s license. If you need insulin, bring the bottle and syringes. Also bring any boots, splints or special shoes provided by your physician.

Can I drive myself to my procedure?

Please arrange for a responsible adult to transport you to and from the center. We also suggest someone stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure.

What should I leave at home?

No jewelry, cash or valuables, please. We cannot be responsible for their safety. Plan to leave dentures, hearing aids, eyeglasses and contact lenses with the person accompanying you. Please don’t wear makeup.

What about anesthesia?

Your anesthesia provider will evaluate you before surgery and answer any questions you may have. Be ready to review your current medications with your anesthesia provider.

What if I have questions?

If you have questions, please call 813-769-8855

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